Banten Residency is one of the areas of Vice Governor of West Java Province which includes coverage of administrative regions namely Serang, Lebak, Pandeglang district, Tangerang, Tangerang Regency South. In line with the aspirations of society
that developed in the era of reform, the Government under the Law. 23 year 2000 concerning the establishment of Banten Province has set the region as Assistant Governor of Banten Autonomous Region. As a relatively new Province was formed, then the policy directions that need to be implemented is laying the foundation for governance, the implementation of development, and social development. Bantam has a great potential both Natural Resources, Human Resources and artificial resources, as authorized for local governments in building the future of Banten.
- Setting up the foundation and development of a robust system of government as well as confirming the implementation of regional autonomy
- Realizing good governance (good governance), supported by law enforcement.
- Improving the quality and independence mausia resources and the popularization of science and technology community.
- Promote the spirit of togetherness and solidarity to strengthen the unity and integrity.
- Encouraging diversity pensinergian potential for optimization and acceleration of development.
- Increasing the active participation and partnership of all components inergis development actors (stakeholders).
- Realizing sustainable development with justice and equitable to improve people's welfare and protect the environment.
- Banten cultivate cultural and community life with religious Banten Province.
Banten Province has a border region :
a. North of the Java Sea
b. East by the Province of DKI Jakarta and West Java.
c. The south by the Indian Ocean
d. West of the Sunda Strait
While ecosystem Banten region basically consists of :
- North Coast environment that is technically irrigated rice ecosystems and semi-technical, industrial and residential areas.
- Regions Banten Central Section in the form of irrigation is limited and mixed garden, some form of rural settlement. The availability of sufficient quantities of water stable.
- Banten area around Mount Mist-Kendeng until Malingping, Leuwidamar, Bayah form mountains relatively difficult to access, but to save natural resources.
- Western Banten (Saketi, complex watersheds and slopes of Mount Cidano Aseupan and Coral Coast Watershed pulosari until Ciliman - Pandeglang and Serang West section), which is rich in water potential, an agricultural area that still needs to be improved
- The western tip as a National Park Conservation of Javan Rhino (Rhini sondaicus).
- Cibaliung-Malingping watershed, a basin of water-rich but has not been used effectively and productively. Surrounding the form of undulating hills with mixed hue and Talun garden environment, forests are less productive.
Banten region climate is strongly influenced by wind Monson (Monson Trade) and Wave La Nina or El Nino. When the rainy season (November - March) the weather is dominated by the west wind (from Sumatra, Indian Ocean south of India) who joined the winds from Asia through South China Sea.
In the dry season (June-August), weather is dominated by the east wind that caused Banten region experienced harsh drought, particularly in the north coast, terlabih again if the progress of El Nino.
Temperatures in the coastal areas and hilly ranges between 220C and 320 C, while temperatures in the mountains with an altitude of between 400 -1350 m above sea level at between 180 C -290 C.
Number of islands with the potential for community Banten approximately 55 islands, scattered in the region and in the border region of Banten Banten.
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